
WP 1

Administration, dissemination and communication

WP1 Lead: NGI

Main contact person: Kjersti Gleditsch Gisnås:

WP1 will ensure efficient communication, co-ordination and collaboration between work packages, project partners and stakeholders.

The main aims of the NordicLink communication and exploitation plan are to:

(1) raise awareness and interest of stakeholders in the project results

(2) initiate interaction with and between stakeholders to obtain feedback to enhance research exploitation opportunities

(3) transfer generated knowledge and tools to the stakeholder partners

(4) ensure applicability of the project results in the development of new standards and practices. Stakeholder needs can only be properly addressed if the industry and government partners understand the mechanisms available to reduce risk and create value.

During the initial stage, NordicLink will address transnational challenges relating to linear infrastructure networks by gathering stakeholders and industry representatives to raise awareness and obtain key feedback to maximise research impact.

As the project progresses, outreach will focus on presenting project results through specific dissemination activities, including workshops with stakeholders, project reports, scientific conferences, and peer-reviewed publications. Specific actions are to be planned at the end of the project based on all results obtained.

NordicLink will include postdoctoral researchers and graduate students to incorporate project activities in education and to maximise research output. Cooperation and competence will last beyond the duration of NordicLink, as has been experienced in earlier collaborative research initiatives.